Organizing, Cleaning and Repairing the Kitchen Cabinets
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Organizing, Cleaning and Repairing the Kitchen Cabinets

For years, I have been wanting to clean each and every cabinet in the kitchen, however, the task just seems so overwhelming. I finally get motivated when the condition of my spice cabinet drives me to despair. Each and every time I am looking for a spice, I cannot easily find it because 1) the…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

I am so sorry I missed posting Saturday Meanderings last week. In addition to having house guests, planning, cooking and organizing our Valentine Dinner party (if you missed it see it here), our sweet dog Sox had an episode where we thought it was over for him. Thankfully, he came around but it was a…

October is Repair and Refresh the House Month
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October is Repair and Refresh the House Month

October is the month I designate to assess the condition of the house and make a long list of things to do. I cannot take credit for this idea. Years ago, a neighbor with a busy family lived in one of the most beautiful homes on the street. Yet when you went inside, you didn’t…

Easy Kitchen Updates
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Easy Kitchen Updates

This past weekend I did do more window washing and tackled the job of cleaning the range hood. Using a newly recommended product from my friend, Andrea from Design Morsels, I am amazed at the results. A weekend of cleaning resulting in also doing some easy kitchen updates. But let’s start with this new product….