What are you reading this summer?

I feel like I’m on a roll.  The last few books I’ve read have been winners! The summer’s less hectic schedule allows more time to read~~especially if we are stuck inside due to triple digit heat.  I have fond memories of having “reading hour” every afternoon when the children were little.  I would pick 3 books that we would read aloud as a family during those summer months. Reading has always been a priority for us.

Here are the books I have read and the ones I plan to read:

A Gentleman in Moscow….by Amor Towles.  My friend, Janie, recommended it and let me borrow her book.  I typically read on my Kindle so it took me a while to realize that on a real book I couldn’t look up the definition of a word by simply tapping on it! I loved this book so much that I instantly downloaded his first novel, Rules of Civilihttps://amzn.to/3GDxHBnty.

If you’ve read The Girl on the Train, this is the second book from Paula Hawkins, entitled Into the Water.  Of course I like anything to do with water, but there is a darker, deeper mystery to this one.

The Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe takes place in the Carolina Low country on the Isle of Palms.  Sweetly written, especially if you like loggerhead turtles.

This book was featured in Coastal Living’s summer reading list, The Book of  Summer by Michelle Gabel. I was drawn to the cover…who doesn’t like hydrangeas and a blue bike?  The setting takes place in New England (love!).  It took me a while to get around some of the language (not a big obscenity fan) and some of her political comments, but plowed ahead and rather enjoyed it.

John Grisham’s latest novel is Camino Island. He is a masterful best-selling author. I have enjoyed each one of his books and this one promises to be a page turner.  Love the mystery, intrigue and the beach setting.

The Little French Bistro is the first book I have read by Ms. Nina George and I absolutely LOVED it!  I found myself wanting French food and wine throughout. I liked this so much that I am in the process of reading her other book, The Little Paris Bookshop.

Barbara Hinske is a DEAR friend and neighbor.  She’s just remarkable~~a successful lawyer, wife, mother and now author. Her historical home here in Phoenix is stunning. I suspect the fictional estate in her series, Rosemont, is based on inspiration from her own beautiful home. She has 4 books in the Rosemont series, and I recommend you start with the first one and go from there, as each novel builds upon the last.  I just read her 4th book, Bringing Them Home. Reading Barbara’s books is comforting ~~like curling up on your favorite chair~~there’s mystery, love, deceit, a fabulous home, fine linens, silver. What’s not to like?

The Summer House by Hanna McKinnon is based on a multi-generational family summer home in Watch Hill, Rhode Island. We used to travel to New England every summer to visit my parents and Watch Hill is one of our favorite destinations.  So this book felt very familiar and takes you through the challenges and personalities of a large extended family vacationing together.

What happens when you start a book and just can’t seem to get in sync with the author?  I think I am finally at an age when I don’t feel I have to finish every book I’ve started. I give it 50 pages and if it’s not working for me, I move on.

When I love an author I read everything they write.  Here is a list of some of my favorites.

David Baldacci.  Since my son attends the University of Virginia, I have discovered this UVA alum author.  His detective/thriller settings tend to be in Virginia and reading his novels makes me feel closer to my Benjamin 🙂

Kate Morton writes about historical fiction and mystery.  Her last book, The Lake House was released in 2o15  and I am anxiously awaiting her next book.

Jon Krakauer.  I had nightmares after reading Under the Banner of Heaven...but he’s such a great author, especially if you like narrative non-fiction. Now there is a television series on Hulu about this. Very disturbing.

Last spring we had a fundraiser here at Bella Terra and Rhys Bowen was our guest speaker. Since then, I have read everything (historical spy mysteries) she has written.  To see more on that event, please click here.

Jennifer Weiner.  Her last adult book was released in 2015 and I am awaiting something new from her. Jennifer writes fiction, often replicating events or challenges in her own life~~witty, humorous and contemporary.

Diana Gabaldon and the Outlander books and Outlander television series, are an absolute favorite.  There are 8 books in the Outlander book series with a ninth one coming.  If you are looking for a reading commitment, this is it.

What are you reading this summer? Is there a book you absolutely LOVE and want to share?

Happy Reading!